Friday, March 06, 2015

Because Snow

Oops.  I've been thinking of posting something, but inevitably it has snowed and I've had the boys home, restless and easily triggered into sparring matches.  It has been a LONG month, and I don't live anywhere near Boston, where REAL snow has been happening.

In any case, it's been a month and I am really sorry.

Since my last post, Drew has decided to cut his hair short again, asking Lee to give him "The Connor" - aka a buzz cut.  Drew only remembers his brother having a buzz cut, even though his hair was longer until he turned 4.  Lee managed to buzz him without getting upset - a feat I'm not sure I could have accomplished.  His head feels like Connor's again, and I find myself rubbing it all the time.  I hope if he ever learns that one of the reasons I am doing that is that it reconnects my sense of touch to Connor, it won't bother him.  I would do it even if things were different because it feels cool, but it has the added bonus (?) of bringing Connor back to me.

Tucker has started reading.  I am thrilled, though recognize that he's 5 and it's totally normal.  But, for a kid who (1) didn't want to go to kindergarten and (2) told me that he didn't need to learn to read, I feel like this is a huge thing for him.  Now he writes notes and delivers them to everyone, and reads to himself at night after we've read together.

Lee and I still struggle with all the different emotions that whip through us.  I find that it's later in the day each day when I first think of Connor, and that makes me sad.

It's about 4 weeks until we inter his cremains.  It's supposed to be a garden-building party for our family, and I'm beginning to get concerned that we won't be ready!  Time to graph out the garden area and the seeds people sent/delivered on the anniversary weekend, and to make sure I've brought the garden bed back to life after this exceptionally cold, hard late winter we've had.

But tomorrow night, we spring forward.  Of course!  I wonder how much snow will still be on the ground when we do that.

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