So school is going very well for Connor. Here is a report from his teacher today:
"When we first got to the classroom he was sitting on the floor with minimal support and then he drank some. Then in the motor room today we had him on a ½ round foam block (on his stomach) and he kept picking up his head to look at the other kids. For ot and speech connor was in his stander and finger painted and listened to a story and we worked on pointing! Then we started a few pages from our "fall counting books" all before lunch and naps!
But it is all going so well..everyday he seems to keep his head up a little longer or seem a bit stronger when he sits..I hope that all of this leads to great progress for Connor. The other students are interacting with him..he is the first student that gets hugs during our "4 hugs a day" song. Even when he was crying another student went to hold his hand!"
vocabulary key:
motor room - a special room where all the equipment they use for physical therapy lives.
ot - occupational therapy - fine motor skills (finger work, etc)
speech - speech therapy
Needless to say, we are very proud parents. :)