Tuesday, September 03, 2013

New Year, New School

Sorry it's been quiet for a bit.  I guess I ran out of things to say that contributed for a little while.  We went away for a vacation to the beach which everyone enjoyed, and then a week getting ready for the first day of school, in which we painted a room and moved two rooms around entirely.  Plus, in that week, we had a pet visit from our favorite puppy Hopper (who is technically no longer a puppy).  Oh, and Lee started a new job, and made his way back outside the beltway for the first time in 8 years.  Obviously, we don't know how to not overwhelm ourselves.

So first...Connor's room.  Connor seems to continue to grow, and the time came to move him downstairs into the main level bedroom.  He's handled the change really nicely.  I think Lee and I have as well, though it's harder to go upstairs to bed now.  But we do, and he sleeps pretty well downstairs. I only had to go down on the first night, and only once.  Otherwise, he's slept really nicely and comfortably.  We've gotten more accustomed to it as well, but I don't think I will ever like it very much.  I got a monitor (we of course had already gotten rid of the old one) but I have promised myself I won't use it unless he is sick.  I haven't even opened up the box because once I do, I know I'm compulsive enough to just keep going until it's all set up. 

In the interim, we painted his old room, and turned it into my office.  I have a new work station and I love it because it is made from a room that all my boys have called their own.  But after a quiet August, it's hard to find motivation to dive back into the deep end of marketing and prospecting.  Since today is the very first day of school, I will try to give myself until tomorrow to discover my motivation.  If I don't discover it, I shall introduce myself to getting-shit-done because that's what we all need. 

While we were away, we go the news that his bus pick-up will be at 7:48 am.  We'd been warned that his school started earlier, and were afraid that he would be picked up at 7:25, so this feels like a reprieve.  Then, the Friday before school, they changed his time to 7:37 am.  And this morning, the bus was at our driveway at 7:34.  But he was ready.  It will be a long year of this.  But I'm excited about his new school, so the alarm clock and I will become grudging friends in the next few weeks.
This goes completely in the face of my actual morning routine, which is to lie in bed for as long as I possibly can, then drag myself downstairs and drink a cup of coffee before trying to actually accomplish anything. 

I was able to go visit his new school, which is a little further away, but has the same teachers and aides that Connor already knows, so he will be comfortable (mostly) at school.  I have to pick him up early today because the bus drops him off pretty much as the exact same time as Drew needs to be picked up a mile away from the house, so since I have not yet managed to be two places at once, the only logical way is to get one, then the other.  Should be interesting.  At his old school, his class was right at the front.  In the new school, it's waaaaaaaaaay away from the front door.  I don't want to arrive there at the exact same time as the school buses, either, or I'll never get out of there.  I may park all the way around and hoof it in, dragging Tucker behind me.  I'm here with him today, and he's being so fantastic.  Of course, it's also lunchtime, so I should go make him and me some food, and get ready for our active afternoon. 

Stay cool out there, my peeps.  Hope your first day back was a good one!!

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